Saturday, April 25, 2020

Oops! That was a BUSY week!

Wednesday was a tough day around here.  I'm basically a cheerful person (I think!)  But during this self-quarantine crap, about every week or so, I wake up feeling like I could cry all day.  Anything sets me off - commercials, news stories, a book, a movie I've seen 100s of times.  Actually just thinking about this makes me start to feel like it too!  Usually, I wake up the next morning normal - ready to go get'em for another week?  I guess I prefer it to feeling bad every day.  It is what it is, whatever it takes to get us through.

The news hasn't been too good lately, immunity strength may tie into how sick you were.  Vaccines have not been found yet for corona viruses, just treatments.

Yesterday, the Sisters Quilt Festival was cancelled for July.  Now, I agree that it should be.  And if it wasn't, I wasn't attending this year.  BUT man, it sure brought it home!  We don't know what the new normal will be, but we're pretty sure it won't be anything like life in 2019.

Well, we had a GKs uprising this week!  DS and DDIL are way too piled on to help the little guys guess the photos.  We decided that they could just text me everyday to keep in touch.  And then they didn't for 3 days!!!!  LOL!  But those boys, 7 & 9 this month - are energy in a bag!  And the almost 3 year old is becoming her own person and is learning way too much from the boys!!  I'd be lucky if I could stand up without help after a day with them!

On the other hand ... the 11 yr old came back to the game!  I sent him a text that he didn't have to play if he didn't have the 5 minutes ... trying to guilt him.  Didn't work!  But the next day, I told him if he wasn't playing, he needed to send me a text about his day everyday.  The next morning he sent me a photo puzzle!!

The 13 yr old has been steady and is getting smarter ... I have to find some harder subjects to send her - they are way too easy!  J, a friend in Nebraska said she couldn't guess them so she was out!!

So here is a sample of this weeks puzzles:


M guessed my sewing basket!                P guessed all my thread!
Papa said my basket wasn't that neat!               Not All my thread!!         


Too bad I didn't have an even number of pictures!  Answers are at the bottom of the post.

Face masks requests exploded this week!!  We have a variety of quilters in different clubs and associations, and they have been contacted individually.  We have quilters with children in medical fields, and they have been working faithfully.  And people contact the guild with requests.  Finally we all got smart enough to ask for help when we are getting overwhelmed.

Here are just some of the places that have our masks:

Pelican Bay Prison
Curry County Health
Sutter Hospital
Gold Beach Hospital
Asante Hospital in Medford
OHSU Hospital in Portland
Veterinarian offices
Police and Fire Stations
Headstart Program
Grocery stores
And every friend that knows a quilter!!!

I've been keeping up with my daily block, although sometimes I have to disappear after dinner to finish one!!  22 as of yesterday.  I think 48 will make the size I want - 60 x 80.  Here is the picture of them all together on the design wall that I promised last Tuesday!!  Better late than never???

Pretty wild!!  Of course, these blocks are in the order they were made ... there will be some switching about!  The middle seams are all pressed to the center, so I have to figure out how to do that?  I'm halfway done, so I could just switch then all the other way ... but we've talked about 'old dog new tricks' lately.  OR I can just put a thin sash between them all??  I'll keep you informed!!

Here are close-ups of the ones I didn't post this week.


 Birds, Bees and Whales!


Ok - Photo reveal time!



Stay safe!!


---"Love" said...

I so enjoy reading your blog posts. We share many of the same feelings about our individual situations, but somehow we will get through it all. (Hmm---just as I typed those last three words, I was reminded of a song by that name, "Through It All". I'm sure you've heard it, and I'm sure its words are true. I just need to quit moping around (not mopping!), and get on with my life the best I can. It's wonderful that you have those games going on with your family. I've enjoyed guessing and getting most of them correct. I sandwiched my little table topper this afternoon, and hope to start quilting it tomorrow (unless I get the drolls again). But before I start quilting, I'll watch and listen to my church's online service, which I always enjoy. I'm so glad that's available to me! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday. ---"Love"

barbara woods said...

me to!