Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday Report! Still Quarantined!

Yesterday was busy in the sewing room!

8 face masks
3 Road to Oklahoma blocks
1 Plus/X block
8 Edyta's flying geese blocks, sadly had to be ripped out!!  Back to the drawing board on that one!
1 GIANT mess made!  Ok, that's pretty much everyday in there - but I'm going to have to do something.  I've run out of room to stack things!!!

Here are the photo reveals from yesterday!

The rock layers makes up the 'famous' Rainbow Rock, in which there is a cave when the sand is low.  The little white daisies are flowers the size of my fingernail!  They grow along the path to the beach.

Since we are actively replacing the roofs on the complex, they block off one entrance to the building and ask people to use the other one.  They mark that "enter" implying you can go in, but you can't come back out!!!  The Oregon Duck whistle was Miss P's favorite beach toy!  She was 2 and she would march up and down the beach blowing it!!  It's loud and kind of obnoxious - so of course it was a favorite!!

I very carefully laid out the correctly assembled Rd to OK.  And then laid 3 blocks of the units in the correct position and orientation.  Then chain stitched!  Hooray! Success!.

My original pattern suggested the same background for the entire block.  And the same blue.  The blocks I made today and are completely scrappy.  I like them better - it makes the blue stars 'sparkle'?!?!  There are 2 blocks following the pattern, I spent the whole day cutting the correct number of each ... but I think I'll just mix them up!!  After all, Scrap Happens!!  I want to continue this one!

8 face masks - using 'Rat Tail' ribbon for ties.  It's easy to sew in - I did back over it in a slightly different place several times.  Just tie a knot on the other end.
Remember, I'm having an ongoing feud with bias tape!  Exploring possibilities!

Today's Plus/X block  This one wanted to be WILD!

Stay Safe and QUILT ON!

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