I'm finally feeling more like myself - I still have a cough that makes people turn and glare ... but I'm better. I'll be glad when I get my energy back.
We babysat the last two days and both L and I had great fun taking pictures.
Alas - the 2 bears are not really allowed outside, even though they are used to going everywhere Miss P goes. So they had to sit on the porch and watch the baseball game between beach-papa and Miss P.
Mr M turned 6 months old this week. He's growing like a weed - and has just started eating baby food - alot of baby food. Two containers 3 times a day PLUS 5 bottles of formula!
Isn't she adorable? This was taken one second before she fell back down the ladder of the slide. It knocked the wind out of her and scared Nana to death! But we were all okay in a minute. She was wearing my hat - and that was the end of the pictures today!