Monday, April 13, 2020


It's so easy to lose track of time and days now.  I had to look back, I started curtailing my schedule the first week in March.  I came back from Finishing School and I was totally exhausted.  You know how you catch everything when you are run down ... TaiChi was cancelled that week because our teacher was unavailable.  So I took the week off!  And have only been out of the house about 1 time each week since.  I don't count walks around our complex or down the Coastal Trail with DH.  Cabin Fever is a real thing, though!

I didn't get any photos back from the kids yesterday, Here are the reveals from yesterday:


And here is today's photos:

I haven't made my block of the day quite yet!  Big outing this morning - when to the grocery store!!!

I worked on my ModSquad Quarantine project yesterday, normally these are secret because we try to guess who made what at our meetings. But I have to show someone!!!

Quarantine theme - I could come up with dozens of ideas that were dark and negative.  Remember how awful it was to watch the news every night.  I still tear up alot, but I was devastated some nights before we got used to the new normal??  So I really had to put my mind to finding a more positive outlook, which is odd for me, I've been nicknamed "Pollyanna" by family!

So universal experience.  Majority in same situation globally!  That is odd. So all sorts of people staying home, some with kids, some with pets, but all staying in.

Our building is 'redwood'; my first thought was to use a fabric by Jo Morton - old fashioned women busts.  Pardon me for saying the obvious - but that was a bust!  Then I had a fabric of "Many faces of Dr Who"  colorful but weird!  Hmm, went to my computer and found avatars - had to reduce them and transfer them to fusible ... it was a learning curve but I liked the look.  Incorporated the Teddy Bear Parade that went on in towns for kids to spy while walking.  This isn't done yet - I found some dogs on fabric that might be the right size to add to the windows.  And some spring green leaves and maybe a bird on the tree.  Started quilting it to hold the fusible on.  The back is a cartoon fabric of NYC, God bless them.  So - what do you think???

Stay safe & QUILT ON!

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